We need your stories!
All of us tell stories about ourselves.
Stories define us, help us believe we are who we think we are and reassure us that the changes and transitions we go through will be fruitful. Stories help direct our lives and allow us to overcome confusion, loss, uncertainty and fear.
Stories are told and framed by the languages we speak and, in this, lack of language access can limit our power not only to share our human experiences but also to feel that our lives have sufficient coherence, meaning and power to be reinvented.
What is your language story?
What does language advocacy mean to you?
What defined your views on language as a tool of access, freedom, expression, equality, inclusivity and human rights that you hold dear to your heart?
Would you be willing to share your story and record a short video (1min) of yourself talking about any of the topics listed below, and add your voice to Language Advocacy Day?
Why is language access important?
Why is access to quality language services important?
Tell us about a time you have had difficulty accessing a critical service because of your English/French proficiency
You can also record these statements:
“My name is _________ and I support language advocacy”
“My name is _________. Language rights are human rights”/”Language access is a human right”
If you would like to record more than one statement, please record each separately.
Please record the videos in the landscape mode (that is, horizontally instead of vertically). This will give you footage that looks good on larger devices, not just phone screens, and share them with LAD21 Team or upload them directly to the Google drive here by Friday, September 25th, 2020.
Thank you in advance for your participation!